Heather Locklear 'Is in No Danger' and 'Medically Stable,' Say Parents

Heather Locklear was in “medically stable” condition Thursday night after the Melrose Place star was taken to the hospital after the fire department and sheriff’s deputies responded to a 911 call at her house northwest of Los Angeles.
"She is in no danger and she's going to be just fine," according to her parents, Bill and Diane Locklear, in a statement issued by Los Robles Hospital & Medical Center.
The 50-year-old actress may have mixed alcohol and prescription medication, according to reports.
Los Robles spokesperson Kris Carraway-Bowman declined to disclose any medical information beyond Locklear's condition. Locklear arrived at 2:30 p.m. and by 8 p.m. was sleeping, Carraway-Bowman told PEOPLE.
Locklear was previously hospitalized in December 2010 for a bacterial infection, and last November she and Jack Wagner called off their engagement.