Hermann Rorschach: How His Inkblot Test Changed Medicine And Why We Still Use It Today

Today's Google Doodle was dedicated to the famous Freudian psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, Hermann Rorschach—creator of the Rorschach inkblot test — in honor of his 129th birthday. In the 1940s and 50s the inkblot test was a staple in clinical psychology, used to gauge personality and measure emotional stability. Even though there is still controversy as to its efficacy, the inkblot test is still used by therapists, law enforcement officials, and psychologist.
The test is conducted in two parts: First, the psychologist asks the patient to take a look at the inkblot card and asks them to respond with their initial reaction. Then, the psychologist asks the patient to explain his or her initial reaction. Psychologists believe that the test actually tells us how a person views the world. “By asking the person to tell you what they see in the inkblot, they are actually telling you about themselves, and how they project meaning on to the real world,” said Mike Drayton, M.D. to BBC News.
However, there is still debate as to how effective and reliable the test is. “Those who support the use of the Rorschach argue that there has been more than enough research and refinement to make it a valid tool, assuming that it is used within strict protocols,” Irving B Weiner said in the journal of Psychological Assessment. “They also claim that the Rorschach can identify dynamics that are otherwise difficult to see, such as the way a person views herself in relation to others, or changes in psychotic symptoms over time.”
On the other hand, the American Psychological Association (APA) has stated it's belief that there might be limitations to the responses. In a 2008 story, Christina Gleason lists out seven "failures" of the test, based on APA literature. For example, the Rorscchach tests fails "to provide an objective system, free of arbitrary conventions, and showing high interscorer agreement."
Rorschach himself never intended that the inkblot cards would be used to determine mental illnesses. The "test" actually stemmed out of a game that he used to enjoy playing as a child called "Klecksographie," or "Kleck." Children would collect inkblot cards from local stores and create and tell stories based on how they interpreted the inkblots.
Nevertheless, go ahead and take a look at the Google homepage and find out what you see when looking at the image. Here are some of the Twitter responses to the Google Doodle:
I see... a nuclear explosion #RorschachDoodle http://g.co/doodle/3huj2h
I see a smiling polar bear #RorschachDoodle http://g.co/doodle/jp8tpr
Greg Gagliardi @greggagliardi23m
I see... a person in a Batman costume conducting a bat orchestra. #RorschachDoodle http://g.co/doodle/2urtym
I see an otter or a midget with a moustache and evil horns #RorschachDoodle http://g.co/doodle/na2g7d