How Electrical Currents Move In The Body, And What Happens When You're Electrocuted

If you’ve ever worried about being electrocuted, then this video from Life Noggin will put your mind (somewhat) at ease. According to the narrator, fewer than 100 people die each year from electrocution in the workforce. About another 60 die annually by being electrocuted through products like power tools and other equipment.
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Death by electrocution occurs when electricity or electric shock is at cause. To understand how electricity is harmful, the video narrator explains you must first understand how it is measured, which is either in volts or amperes. This figure refers to how much flow or electricity charge goes through a point per unit of time. The electron flow is what causes harm in tissue or nervous system damage, causing death or serious injury. Effects from electrocution can include burns or interference to our body’s electric signals. This interference can disrupt important bodily function, like keeping our heart beating, for example.
According to Life Noggin, currents at about 1 milliamps (MA) can cause tingling. Going up to 75 MA can actually trigger ventricular fibrillation which could lead to death. A reading of 1500 milliamps would cause severe tissue and organ damage.
As the video explains, there’s more to know than just the amperage in terms of bodily harm. A small current can actually kill you by entering the body, going through the heart, and exiting through the other side. Alternatively, a larger current, like a lightening bolt, can only cause burns if it travels through the skin without burrowing deeper into the body. Certain body parts, like the organs, are more susceptible to damage as they have less resistance. Wet skin is also less resistant, which is why there’s a greater risk of electrocution when water is around.
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But not all electrical currents can be dangerous. Life Noggin explains that defibrillators deliver a therapeutic dose of energy to treat certain medical conditions like sudden cardiac arrest.
To learn more about electricity, watch the video:
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