How To Induce Labor: Dance To 'Thriller' And Other Weird Strategies, Plus The Science Behind Them

Earlier this week, a pregnant Florida woman attempted to induce labor by dancing to Michael Jackson’s "Thriller." Her quirky video went viral, and not unsurprisingly. A 2011 study revealed that over half of pregnant women try non-conventional methods to induce labor. While these attempts to bring about labor are interesting, to say the least, is there actually any science to back them?
“Someone told me 'Thriller' would induce labor,” 32-year-old Bonnie Northsea tells the camera before her heavily pregnant body busts moves that I’m sure even the King of Pop would have been impressed with. Considering that The Guardian reported only around four percent of babies are actually born on their due date, many woman can relate with Northsea’s attempt at bringing about delivery day. This is where the labor-induction pregnancy myths come through. I’m sure you’ve heard at least one, but which ones are actually based on science and which do women need to retire for good?
'Eat A Spicy Meal'
There is no evidence to suggest that spicy food has any effect on when a woman gives birth.
Baby Center reports that the association with labor and spicy foods, as well as pungent spices such as garlic and cumin, comes from the idea that jump-starting the digestive system will cause contractions. Unfortunately, the uterus and the digestive system are not at all connected, which means that the only thing spicy food is likely to induce is heart burn.
'Watch A Sad Movie'
Some women say that crying over an especially sad movie helped them go into labor when they were past their due dates. Although this method is also not scientifically proven, laughing and crying are great ways to release tension that can build up when a woman exceeds her due date.
“Releasing emotions can lessen tension, relax you, and might help take your mind off the fact you’re overdue,” Hannah Dahlen, a practicing midwife and national spokesperson for the Australian College of Midwives told Yahoo Parenting. That sounds like a perfect excuse (as if you needed one) to curl up on the couch with Jack and Rose.
'Go For A Walk'
Going for a walk is a popular tactic used by women who are awaiting labor, and experts suggest that there may be truth to this advice. What To Expect explained that walking during pregnancy can help to draw the baby’s head down toward your pelvis. This pressure of the baby on your pelvis can then help to induce labor. Dancing to "Thriller," such as what Northsea did, would have similar effects. While it’s not a guarantee, in the very least it will help to pass the time.
'Have Sex'
Although sex may be the last thing on your mind when you're 41 weeks pregnant, women have long sworn that it helps to induce labor. Fit Pregnancy reported that semen contains fats called prostaglandins which can help to soften the cervix. The contractions that women have during an orgasm may also help to speed up the process.
Although there is debate over whether or not this will actually induce labor, a 2006 study on 200 healthy pregnant women found that those who had sex at 36 weeks of pregnancy were significantly less likely to go past their due date.
'Stimuate Your Nipples'
Nipple stimulation, that is twisting, massaging, or twisting the nipples, helps to release oxytocin, a hormone linked to the onset of contractions. What To Expect explains that while this may help to induce labor, it’s not a method that is generally advised by professionals because it has the potential to make contractions stronger and longer than they might usually be.