'Human Ken Doll' Has Undergone 90 Surgeries, Spent $100,000 to Have Perfect Physique

Justin Jedlica's physique resembles a Ken doll - a six-pack, triceps, glutes. But while his appearance may lead you to believe that he is obsessed with the gym, Jedlica's body comes as a result of $100,000 worth of silicone. Jedlica has had 90 surgeries in order to sculpt his body, and he told ABC News that he does not plan on stopping anytime soon.
Jedlica, 32 years old, lives in New York City. His obsession with having the perfect body began with his nose, which he always thought was too large, calling it "astronomically huge". Five surgeries later, he thinks that it is close to his ideal - but not perfect.
His first surgery was on his glutes. Jedlica wanted firmer, perkier buttocks, so he received implants and, after 13 different cosmetic sessions, he likes what he sees. Over the course of the ensuing 10 years, Jedlica has undergone nearly 100 surgeries.
Sometimes the surgeries have been fueled by other people. When he first received his chest and pectoral implants, people asked if he only worked out his chest, since he had no arm muscles - so he sought out doctors that performed triceps and biceps implants to have those done.
One might wonder why Jedlica did not simply, well, go to the gym. But Jedlica insists that the surgeries are part of the fun. "That is so not exciting, not glamorous or fabulous," he says. "I love to metamorphosize myself, and the stranger the surgery the better." He loves what the knife has allowed him to become.
But some experts are less enthused by Jedlica's efforts. Dr. Drew Ordin, a plastic and reconstructive surgeon in Beverly Hills, says that the real-life Ken doll may be putting his life at risk by subjecting himself to so much silicone.
It is unclear what Jedlica's thoughts are on Valerie Lukyanova, a 24-year-old Ukrainian woman who has gone through similarly extensive efforts to make herself into a human Barbie doll.