Jennifer Lawrence Sounds Off On Critics Who Called Her 'Fat': Hollywood's Body Obsession Can Cause Unhealthy Behavior In Stars
The Academy Award-winning actress featured on the cover of Harper's Bazaar UK's November issue, Jennifer Lawrence, has made her rise to stardom look effortlessly. The 23-year-old confessed in a cover story for the magazine that she was once told she would be fired because she was “fat.” The fresh face of Hollywood thankfully didn’t listen to those producers as she has an impressive acting resume that means she’s here to stay — for good.
Lawrence was called fat and encouraged to lose weight by Hollywood producers at a young age. "They brought in pictures of me where I was basically naked, and told me to use them as motivation for my diet. They thought that because of the way my career had gone, it wouldn't still hurt me,” she said. "That somehow, after I won an Oscar, I’m above it all. ‘You really still care about that?’ Yeah. I was a little girl. I was hurt,” Lawrence continued, ABC News reports.
The actress did develop a technique to deal with such criticisms after she received the award for best actress in her role in Silver Linings Playbook and her box office fame for The Hunger Games. The star confesses that she will never let anyone treat her that away again. Lawrence will simply tell her critics off. "If anybody even tries to whisper the word 'diet,' I'm like, 'You can go f–k yourself,'" she said.
The starlet’s acceptance speech at the Academy Awards even received backlash after she stumbled on the stairs and didn’t recover by the time she took center stage at the podium. Lawrence received an standing ovation from the audience and said, "You guys are standing up because you felt bad that I fell, which is embarrassing. This is nuts," the Los Angeles Times reports.
""[The other person said] other people are getting up and owning the stage and you sound like a stuttering idiot. Pull it together. I said, 'I'm not doing it on purpose, I'm uncomfortable and when people get uncomfortable they resort to their...' I make awkward jokes and stutter," she said.
Lawrence confessed that she did not aim to be the girl next door at Awards night but instead she wanted to appear “graceful” when she accepted her speech in the stunning gown she wore.
Her jokester nature is undeniable in her interview with the magazine. She is confident in her body and makes jokes that she demands tasty crackers when she is filming at all times. "My bodyguard Gilbert, right before they call 'action,' I'm like, 'If there aren't Cheez-Its here by the time they call cut, just go home.' And he’ll start running. It cracks me up how seriously he takes it," Lawrence said. "It's not my performance that is motivating me. I want to get the on-set catering."
Lawrence isn’t the only young starlet to face ridicule for not being “thin” in Hollywood. Celebrities and models like Amanda Seyfried have felt the pressure to be thin. In the April 2010 issue of Esquire, Seyfried admitted that she put herself on a restrictive raw diet in which she only ate spinach, US Weekly reports.
Women in Hollywood have been turning to drugs such as Clenbuterol, or “Clen," which is approved in the United States to treat asthma in horses. The drug's side effect is that it builds muscle and results in temporary weight loss, reports CBS News. It has become Hollywood’s dangerous secret for weight loss.