Kraft Mac & Cheese To Remove Artificial Preservatives, Replace Synthetic Colors With Turmeric And Paprika In 2016

Kraft is taking yet another step in the journey to improve the quality of its products, as well as pave the way for a healthier world. According to a press release posted today, the company will no longer make Original Kraft Macaroni & Cheese with artificial preservatives or synthetic colors by January 2016 — but it aims to keep the same iconic taste of the “blue box” mac ‘n cheese.
In 2014, Kraft announced that its products sold in the U.S. would now have 6 grams of whole grains per serving, lowered sodium by 100mg per serving, and reduced saturated fat by 25 percent. This year, the focus is removing artificial flavors. On its website, in addition to new Star Wars-shaped mac ‘n cheese, Kraft notes that all of its Macaroni & Cheese boxed shapes “are made with no artificial flavors, preservatives, or synthetic colors,” adding that “we have switched to colors sourced from spices, reduced saturated fat by 25 percent, and have taken our first steps to include more whole grains in our pasta.”
“We’ve met with families in their homes and watched them prepare Kraft Mac & Cheese in their kitchens,” Triona Schmelter, vice president of marketing at Kraft, said in the press release. “They told us they want to feel good about the foods they eat and serve their families, including everything from improved nutrition to simpler ingredients. They also told us they won’t compromise on the taste of their Mac & Cheese — and neither will we. That’s why we’ve been working tirelessly to find the right recipe that our fans will love.”
Instead of using synthetic colors to make that vibrant yellow color everyone loves (but may also laugh at), Kraft instead will attempt to recreate it using natural spices like paprika, annatto, and turmeric. “These recipe changes are the latest steps in the Kraft Mac & Cheese journey to delight consumers with on-trend updates to meet consumers’ changing lifestyles and needs,” the press release states.
Kraft’s attempts to provide healthier products are in line with other food companies and fast food restaurants who are aiming to improve their menus and reduce obesity in the country. For example, McDonald’s has adjusted its menu to encourage people to drink less soda and eat fewer calories. And while Kraft’s products are still questionable when it comes to nutritional value, they do contain a good amount of calcium.
“Listening, extensive research, and continuous improvement have been part of the Kraft Mac & Cheese 75-year heritage,” Schmelter said in the press release. “From packaging like convenient Cups to products like Deluxe, Organic, and Whole Grain to light prep instructions, we’ve innovated this iconic brand through the years to remain North America’s favorite Mac & Cheese.”