Lack Of Sex Puts Older Men At Risk Of Developing Cancer

Yes, you can never have too much sex -- especially for older guys. And now, a new study reveals that a lack of sex is a risk factor for cancer among older men.
How many guys in the United States does this new study seem to affect? Not known, but another study shows that among 60- to 70-year-olds with partners, 46 percent of men and 38 percent of women have sex at least once a week. The same was true in 34 percent of those 70 or older.
So, this data suggests that a fair portion of American men might be at increased risk from cancer. Not good.
A new study by Anglia Ruskin University (one of the top universities in the U.K.), involving 5,700 men and women nearing their golden years (those between 65 to 80 years-old), found that men who have less sex after they turn 50 see their risk of serious illness rise by more than two-thirds. The study also found that women become 64 percent more likely to report being unwell if they have sex less often.
People in their middle age should keep making love for the health benefits. That’s because sex releases feel-good endorphins that might boost our immune systems. One evening of sex also burns up to 85 calories.
The study also found that men with less interest in sex were thought to be 63 percent more likely to be diagnosed with cancer. Another 41 percent of these men saw their chances of developing a long-standing illness increase.
This study and others along the same vein are one in saying a decline in sex is a major warning sign of illnesses ahead. For example, men who develop impotence might have vascular issues that are risk factors in heart disease.
The study also found older men whose libido stayed the same as in their younger years had a smaller risk -- only 15 percent -- of developing illnesses such as diabetes or arthritis.

The same illnesses were more likely among men whose sex drive had diminished. The rate of cancer in these men standing at more than six percent, compared to four percent of those keeping up their habit.
"It is important to remember that sex is a form of physical activity, albeit often performed at a moderate intensity,” according to Dr Lee Smith, senior author of the study.
Experts, however, can't say for sure if a lack of sex causes illness or if it's a sign of someone already being ill. It looks like one way to guarantee your health in your golden years is, yes, to have sex as often as once or twice a week.
This study was published in the journal, Archives of Sexual Behaviour.