Male Enhancement Surgery: Is It Worth The Risk?

Some women go into plastic surgeon's offices hoping to get lips like Angelina Jolie, or a bottom like Jennifer Lopez. And, not to be outdone, men are beginning to ask their doctors to make them look like David Beckham -- from the waist down.
The Sun reported that after seeing advertisements of David Beckman in his bare underwear, there was a rise in men visiting their doctors requesting to increase the size of their family jewels.
Male enhancement surgeries, specifically penile implants, are becoming as common as female breast augmentations. Almost every media outlet has some sort of advertisement promising to increase the length, girth or overall size of the male anatomy. However,there is no scientific evidence that supports the effectiveness of these topical or "natural" remedies.
Enhancement surgeries are commonly recommended for men with erectile dysfunction (ED). However, some men are opting to have the surgery donejust to increase their penis size.
Embarrassment and lack of informational resources make it more difficult for men to understand the risks and benefits associated with increasing their size. Women, on the other hand, have a massive amount of information pouring into them from newspapers, magazine and on the web.
Dr. Elliot Heller, owner of Allure Plastic Surgery Centers in New York City tells Medical Daily that "many men aren't aware that this service exists, it's basically the equivalent of getting a boob job for women." Dr. Heller has been practicing for 18 years and performs all types of plastic surgeries from male breast reductions to penis enlargement surgeries and everything in between.
His patients range from lawyers to other doctors and their ages range from 30 years old up to 70 years old. "I have lot of people in finance, and a lot of other big business people. It's not just young guys in their 30's and 40's," said Dr. Heller.
Dr. Heller will have a patient come in for a consult and assess their needs and their expected goals. I make a judgment call, if you want more thickness and fullness to the penis I can do that," said Dr. Heller.
Many men are opting for the surgery to improve their self-esteem and confidence. It can affect their romantic relationships with their partners; and they might be embarrassed to change their clothes in front of other men.
Some surgeons only perform the enhancement surgery when they feel that it affects the quality of life for their patients.
Dr. Larry I. Lipshultz, M.D, professor and chief of the Division of Male Reproductive Medicine and Surgery tells Medical Daily that he will only perform the surgery on patients with ED. He believes that patients should only do the surgery when it's absolutely medically necessary.
"Increasing the size of a penis is not the stand of care by the American urological society," said Dr. Lipschultz.
He believes that there can be a lot of detrimental side effects when performing this surgery for purely male enhancement. For ED patients, Dr. Lipschultz believes that it's a safe and effective way for men to maintain a healthy and fulfilling sex life. "I was a resident in the 70s and this surgery was done. It's a very old treatment for ED. It's tried and true," said Dr. Lipshultz.
"I educate the patient, but I won't do a male enhancement for men who think that their penis is too small," said Dr. Lipshultz.
The recovery time for any male enhancement surgery depends on which procedure the doctor choose to do. For surgical enlargement, Dr. Heller has two different methods: fat transfer, which is where the fat is taken from the love handles and transferred to the penis. He says the healing time is around one day. Or ligament release, which is where the suspensory ligaments in the penis are released and weights are placed on the penis after the surgery. By releasing the ligament it partially frees the penis from its pubic bone attachments, dropping it to a lower position, which may increase the penile length.
The average cost of this surgery might range anywhere from $3,500 to $9,500.
Dr Heller says that after the surgery a man is able to perform regularly and the surgery doesn't affect hormones, and there are low rates of infections.
"Not everyone is a candidate, I'd have to see if they just might need some fat removal," said Dr. Heller.
According to The Kinsey Institute, for adults, the average penis size is around 5.5-6.3 inches when erect. The average girth for an erect penis is 4.7-5.1 inches. A penis would only be considered unusually small if it was less than 3 inches long when erect.
Penis enlargement surgeries are starting to become more mainstream,with the internet as a convenient resource for information. But before you go under the knife make sure you've weighed all of your other options and treatments. And more ofthen then not the issue isn't with the size. It might be other issues such as weight gain or excessive fat in the pubic region.
I have rarely seen a patient come into my office and actually have a microphallus," said Dr Lipshultz.