Mathematical Pizza-Cutting: Mathematicians Devise The Perfect Way To Cut Pizza, Based On Science
Slicing up a pizza pie is not an exact science. No matter which way you slice it, someone is going to get a bigger slice than everyone else. Unless, of course, you try out this new mathematically correct pizza slicing technique designed by mathematicians from the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom.
Mathematicians Joel Haddley and Stephen Worsley have developed a complex series of new pizza-cutting techniques that will ensure pizza-lovers are getting 12 equally cut slices of pizza. One of the advantages of this new method, other than evenly cut slices, is that you can make a variety of aesthetically pleasing designs.
Combing math and pizza may seem outlandish, but pizza theorem is a very real subject in geometry that deals in equally slicing two areas in one circle. “I’ve no idea whether there are any applications at all to our work outside of pizza-cutting,” Haddley told the New Scientist. “But the results are interesting mathematically, and you can produce some nice pictures.”
Source: Haddley J, Worsley S. Infinite families of monohedral disk tilings. Cornell University Library. 2016.