McDonald's Moves Breakfast Items To Late Night Menu, But Should You Be Eating At That Hour?

Good news McDonald's fans, pretty soon you won't have to wait until the morning to get your Egg McMuffin fix. The world's largest fast food chain has announced it will be adding breakfast options to the late night menu of its 24-hour restaurant locations.
Although McDonald's has not yet announced which locations will be featuring the late night breakfast menu or which breakfast options will be available, it has revealed that restaurant goers will be able to mix and match dinner and breakfast options to make a "Midnight Value Meal."
"Our customers want convenience around the clock, and we're making it easier to eat at McDonald's with more 24-hour restaurants open than ever before," McDonald's representatives said in a statement.
But as hard as it may be to resist your favorite breakfast menu items — especially late at night — it's in your waistline's best interest to consider the health risks.
A recent study out of Northwestern University determined that people who eat fast food past a certain hour tend to be overweight. Researchers from the university's Feinberg School of Medicine claimed late sleepers take in 248 more calories a day from unhealthy menu options and sugar-ridden beverages.
"The extra daily calories can mean a significant amount of weight gain - two pounds per month - if they are not balanced by more physical activity," said co-author Kelly Glazer Baron, a health psychologist and a neurology instructor at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
"We don't know if late sleepers consume the extra calories because they prefer more high-calorie foods or because there are less healthful options at night," added co-author Kathryn Reid, research assistant professor in neurology at the Feinberg School.