Millennials Avoid Taking Care Of Sick Relatives: Survey

Millennials get a bad rap, and results from a recent survey may make older generations look down on them with even more disdain. It appears that in addition to (being stereotyped as) lazy, narcissistic and wasteful, young adults born between the early 1980s and the early 2000s don’t have the heart to help out a sick relative, New York Daily News reported.
The survey, which was administered to more than 1,000 adults by Braun Thermometers, found millennials were least likely to check the temperature of a sick family member. Forty-seven percent of respondents said they would rather avoid taking care of an ailing relative. Interesting, considering a record number of millennials are still living with their parents.
One reason millennials gave for this reluctance was fear, meaning they were scared caring for sick family members would get them sick, too. According to the survey, 21 percent of those between 18 and 24 years old had this fear compared to only one percent of adults aged 65 and older, and only 2 percent of those aged 55 to 65.
Twenty-three percent of millennials, on the other hand, admitted to having avoided caring for a sick relative "sometimes."
Previous studies show young adults between ages 18 and 34 are currently dealing with a ton of debt, which is undoubtedly stressful. Millenials — who overtook baby boomers as the largest generation in the world last year— are trying to get their lives together in an era of economic recession, staggering student loans and high unemployment rates that "can be directly attributed to the choices and decisions made by the members of the older generations who have voiced their scathing opinions of Millennials," according to USA Today.
A poll conducted by the Pew Research Center last year found millennials were could also be self-loathing. Nearly half of the young adults polled described their generation as wasteful, while 43 percent admitted to thinking their fellow millennials were greedy and 31 percent believing they are cynical. However, 36 percent of the millennials polled said they are hardworking, and 17 percent thought their generation was moral.
It's worth nothing the recent survey was conducted by Braun as part of a larger effort to help promote its new "No Touch Thermometer." The thermomemter is designed to generate a "quick and accurate reading taken up to 2 inches away from the forehead," which Braun envisions helping any millennials reluctant to being more nurturing.