Motorcyclist Michael LaDue Hit By Lightning, Walks Away With Non-Life Threatening Injuries [VIDEO]
Fify-nine-year old Michael LaDue’s helmet was struck by lightning while he rode his motorcycle through a storm in Washington state around 9:30 a.m. Thursday. Luckily, he was able to walk away from the hit with non-life threatening injuries.
According to the Seattle Times, Martin Zaplac and his family watched LaDue ride ahead of them. They saw that the lightning struck low, but figured that LaDue had not been hit since he continued driving his motorcycle a while longer. That was until he slowly drove to the right shoulder of the interstate where he collapsed. Zapalac says he pulled over to the side of the road to check on LaDue.
“Why am I stopped here?” asked LaDue, looking dazed.
LaDue’s hair was singed and his ear was burned, but other than that he had no major injuries. He was in the intensive care unit at Harborview Medical Center for a short while, but was released from the hospital Friday.