Obama's Affordable Care Act Makes Millennials Lazier, But Happier Too: Study

Kids these days tend to extend their adolescence, and “finding themselves” period, well into their twenties — at least that’s what the older generations say. It shouldn’t be a surprise, then, that a new working paper completed by economists finds that Obamacare has made young adults in their 20’s more laid-back, happy, and lazy.
In the study, the researchers — Gregory Colman and Dhaval Dave — studied how 19 to 25-year-olds changed their behavior after the Affordable Care Act (ACA) came into effect and compared them to how 27 to 34-year-olds changed their behavior. Of course, kids under the age of 26 could still remain on their parents’ health insurance — one of the more popular clauses of the ACA — while those over 27 were on their own.
They found that among the 19 to 25-year-olds, there was a five percent drop in employment, with most of the unemployed kids going back to school. The majority of them, though, ended up having more time for socializing, relaxing, and spending hours doing things that were meaningful to them — rather than working 40-50 hours a week at any job just to make ends meet.
As a result, Obamacare probably added to the image of millennials we have now: kids who live off their parent’s dime and don’t worry too much about finding a job. Guaranteed health insurance until age 26 made it easier for young people to postpone the soul-crushing 9-5 lifestyle of the real world just a little bit longer, which ultimately made them happier.
“The main takeaway is that Obamacare allowed young adults who perhaps weren’t in the job they wanted to be to either look for the job they wanted or perhaps go back to school,” Colman told Slate.
The authors write that interestingly, Obamacare allows “Americans to make more productive use of their time,” which is apparent in the extension of healthcare to kids under the age of 26. “The extra time has gone into socializing, and to a lesser extent, into education and job search. Availability of insurance and change in work time appear to have increased young adults’ subjective well-being, enabling them to spend time on activities they view as more meaningful than those they did before insurance became available.”
Source: Colman G, Dave D. The National Bureau of Economic Research, 2015.