This One Simple Hack Can Make Intermittent Fasting Easier
Intermittent fasting is easily one of the most famous diet plans that one can follow today, given as to how incredibly safe, healthy and effective it is. But some find difficulty in making it work. And for that, there is one dieting hack that can make it all the more easier.
Making Intermittent Fasting Easier
Weight loss diets that involve fasting – or more popularly known as intermittent fasting – is a diet plan that comes highly recommended these days. Everyone is doing it now, from top athletes, celebrities preparing for roles to everyday people who simply want to shed some pounds. And it’s easy to see why. There is essentially no type of special food to eat nor hard instructions to commit to. You just simply eat and don’t eat at specific times during the day. All you really need is some good mental discipline.
Despite this, a lot of people still cannot make it work. One of the most common reasons behind it is how hard it can be to adjust to the diet when you first start the plan.
It turns out, however, that there is one simple trick to this: It’s all about the circadian rhythm. Also considered as our internal body clock, the circadian rhythm is often used to help us sleep better. Now, it can be used to help us lose belly fat as well.
Fasting for an extended amount of time would obviously make you hungry and even people who have been fasting intermittently for months still have trouble with it. However, a new study by Harvard pointed out that it might not be the length of time that you don’t eat, but the time you choose to not eat.
Simply put, you can make intermittent fasting easier and more effective by simply choosing to eat during the day then fasting during night, when you’re supposed to be resting anyway.
Harvard calls this the "circadian rhythm approach." To do this, simply shift your eating time from 7 a.m. up until 3p.m. and get ready to lose weight.