Penis Enlargement Scene Biggest In Germany, But Does Plastic Surgery Really Work?

The obsession over penis size is seen in men from all walks of life who have become preoccupied with the glorified male body part. Penis size has become a hotly debated topic, especially when it comes to feeding the sexual appetite of partners, perpetuating the “bigger is always better” myth. While the answer to whether or not penis size matters is arguable, Germany has risen to the occasion and suggests it does, becoming the world’s capital of penis enlargement, according to new data by the International Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
Out of an estimated 15,414 enlargements worldwide, 2,786 operations took place in the land of the 2014 FIFA World Cup champions, Germany. This accounts for 18 percent of all penis enlargements in the world, which is much more than any other nation. While this figure seems like a large amount, this translates to roughly eight out of every 100,000 adult males who reside in the country. In comparison, Venezuela, second runner-up, has four out of every 100,000 adults in the country undergoing the intimate nip-tuck, not coming anywhere close to the German rate.
It’s worth noting these figures do not represent the nationality of the patient, meaning it’s not necessarily German men or people that live there going for the procedure. Rather, this data highlights the number of penis enlargement procedures done in Germany.
In a penis enlargement procedure, to lengthen the penis, surgeons cut the suspensory ligament — what connects the penis and the penis — to release the tension, so more of the shaft becomes outwardly visible. However, to prevent the ligament from reattaching, the patient will most likely need to attach weights or stretching devices to their penis daily for approximately six months. To widen the penis, surgeons use an implanted allograft — tissues harvested from cadavers — to stuff the penis.
The German Centre for Urology and Phalloplasty Surgery reports to have performed over 6,000 penis enlargements/lengthenings so far, claiming to enhance the length of the penis by 3 to 6 centimeters (cm), the girth by 2 to 3 cm. The cost of the operation is 9,600 euros ($13,000), including materials and ancillary costs.
While it remains unclear how many German men are getting male enhancement procedures, a recent study published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, suggests Germans rank high when it comes to male endowment. A total of 133 countries from all continents were covered in the study to compare and contract penis size and nationality. Germany rounds up the top 10 with an average penis size of 5.7 inches, while the Republic of Congo, Ecuador, and Ghana took the top three spots at 7.1, 7, and 6.7, respectively.
Doubt surrounds whether penis enlargement techniques available today really do work. While vacuum pumps, creams, and pills are highly ineffective, plastic surgery seems to be the most reliable option. However, surgery is risky and may not work, according to the Mayo Clinic, since studies have shown the majority of men who undergo penis enlargement surgery aren’t satisfied with the results. At best, surgery may add up to half an inch (1 cm) to the length of a flaccid penis. Male enhancement surgery comes with the risk of infection, scarring, and loss of function.
Most men who think their penis is too small, may consider one of these penis enlargement techniques, but chances are they may actually have a normal-sized penis. Flaccid lengths can range from around 2.8 to 3.9 inches (7 to 10 cm), while flaccid circumferences range around 3.5 inches to 3.9 inches (9 to 10 cm). The average erect penis can range anywhere from 4.7 to 6.3 inches (12 to 16 cm).
Top 10 Countries for Number of Penis Enlargement Operations
1. Germany
2. Venezuela
3. Spain
4. Mexico
5. Colombia
6. Italy
7. Brazil
8. Argentina
9. USA
10. Iran