Victoria’s Secret seems to have made a faux-pas when it comes to its new advertising campaign, “The Perfect Body.” The campaign, which features the super store's “Body” lingerie line on a queue of thin models, has sparked outrage on the Internet among those who don’t believe it’s an accurate representation of the female form.

“There is a line between aspiration and thinspiration, and this campaign clearly oversteps the mark,” columnist Sarah Vine writes in the Daily Mail. “As for their use of the word ‘perfect,’ it’s not only offensive to the 99.9 percent of the female population who don’t share the models’ ‘perfect’ proportions, it’s also deeply irresponsible, if not downright cruel.”

Ten models clad in lingerie pose in a line on Victoria’s Secret website, advertising bras and underwear. But all of the women are remarkably thin, with visible ribs and thigh gaps. As a result, a number of people banded together to petition against the campaign, and the petition has well over 2,000 signatures. The campaign has also spawned the hashtag #iamperfect on Twitter, meant to remind women that they should be proud of their bodies — no matter their weight, height, or width. Besides, everyone knows that to be a model, your diet is strict and harsh; this isn’t the healthiest way to live.

“[T]here’s no mistaking what they mean by ‘perfect’: perky of bosom, tiny of tummy and negligible of behind — with a thigh gap wide enough to park a bicycle in,” Vine writes.