Porn Addiction: 5 Ways To Tell That You're Addicted

Watching the occasional dirty movie isn't going to cause any real harm. Regardless of many people's apprehensions about porn, or at least talking about it, the adult entertainment industry has become increasingly mainstream over the years. With the rise of Internet porn, it has become easier for people to access it in the privacy of their own homes. However, when does entertainment become addiction?
Out of all the different types of sexual addictions, porn addiction is the one that is most commonly reported. Porn addiction, like many other addictions, becomes problematic when it interferes with your everyday life. The signs and symptoms of a porn addict are similar to those of drug and alcohol addicts. According to Project Know, an educational facility that assists people in getting over many different types of addictions, "a large percentage of people who are addicted to porn in any of its forms tend to experience difficulties in personal relationships. It is believed that this occurs because porn addicts tend to isolate themselves from friends, family and coworkers to continue the behaviors that fuel the addiction." According to Psychology Today, in 1997, 16 percent of American adults used the Internet regularly. By 2005, the figure had quadrupled to 65 percent, making the access to porn easier and more frequent.
Here are a few ways to determine if you or someone you know might have a porn addiction.
1. You're antisocial
Your friends or family members might invite you out for social gatherings, but you'd rather keep to yourself. You also might find yourself making excuses to avoid any types of social interactions or find reasons to get home as soon as possible. You might also become more preoccupied with porn as soon as you set foot into your home.
2. You keep your porn watching a secret
Many people might keep their sexual fantasies and habits a secret, but with porn addicts, they will go the extra step to hide the fact that they watch porn frequently. According to a survey by Brigham Young University, 70 percent of women keep their porn watching activities a secret. However, only 17 percent of those women are addicts and are proactive about keeping their viewing habits a secret.
3. You lose track of time
You look at your clock, and five hours have passed — you don't know where the time has gone. In a feature story by The Sun, porn addict James Cliff describes his porn addiction as all-consuming, "Porn was an all-consuming addiction. I lost track of time and reasoning. It was like experiencing an alcoholic's blackout. I'd wake up the next morning and not remember what I'd done," he said.
4. It's interfering with your sex life
By constantly watching porn, you're desensitizing yourself to any type of external arousal. "It can deplete your libido and lead to a lack of mojo - if you're masturbating frequently, you may end up being less into sex with your partner and not putting enough time into romance, foreplay and your connection with your partner," said Ian Kerner, a sex therapist and author.
5. You expect your sex-life to be just like a porno
Your partner might be competing with another woman or man — your favorite porn star. Or, you might try to reenact scenes from the pornographic videos you have seen, and you might even get angry when your partner isn't able to perform like these film stars.