Psychology Of Phantom Phone Buzzing: Why We Think Our Cell Is Vibrating When It's Not
Have you ever felt your phone vibrating, reached into your pocket to grab it, but found that it wasn’t buzzing after all? If so, you’ve experienced phantom phone buzzing.
A recent survey of 766 undergraduate students revealed over 80 percent of them have experienced it. Those who find themselves doing this more than once a day may be psychologically dependent on their cellphones, The Conversation explains.
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The participants who were more dependent on their phones experienced more incidents of phantom cell phone buzzing, the survey revealed.
Those who exhibited higher symptoms of cellphone dependency were women, younger individuals, and those with lower conscientiousness and emotional stability. Compared to those who were less cellphone dependent, they more often reported they use their cell phones to feel better, became irritable when they couldn't be on their device, and had constant thoughts about being on their phone when they weren't, The Conversation reported.
Although cell-phone addiction isn’t a diagnosed mental disorder, clinicians and researchers have debated whether it should be officially recognized.
This survey provides brief insights on students’ cell phone dependency; however, the authors note more research needs to be done to better understand the topic. The study authors conclude their results may assist in furthering the definitions of addiction to include technology.
Some common signs of cell phone dependency include an excessive compulsion to look at your phone, usage of your phone in an inappropriate place, and missing out on opportunities for face-to-face interaction.
See also: Technology Addiction: Warning Signs of A Cell Phone Addict
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