Brain Fart: How Auditory Illusions Trick Your Brain Into Hearing Something It's Not

The human brain may be the most advanced example of biological engineering on Earth, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t sometimes make mistakes. Auditory illusions are some of the most fascinating examples of these brain errors, and they occur when what we think we hear and what we actually hear fail to match up.
Although it's the ears that hear sound, it's the auditory cortex brain region that interprets (or more often, misinterprets) this sound. A recent video from Brain Craft helped to explain some of the most common forms of sound misinterpretation, starting with one that you’re probably most familiar with: the speech to song illusion.
Ever notice how if you repeat a phrase enough times it begins to sound like a song? You’re not alone. According to Brain Craft, this is because repetition tricks the brain into hearing musical rhythm even when none exists.
Another equally confusing auditory illusion is the Phantom Word Illusion. To create this illusion, random syllables are played from two separate speakers. Because our brain does not like randomness, it attempts to organize these syllables into words. People's brains organize the syllables into different combinations, and as a result different people will interpret the exact same sound as distinctly different words.
Our brain’s need to make sense of its surroundings also explains how we will hear random noises or sounds as perfectly intelligible speech. However, our ears aren’t alone in this sensory deception. Our vision and sense of touch can also be easily fooled, showing just how abstract our perception of reality really is.