Child Cancer Hoax: Woman Arrested For Faking Her Daughter's Cancer Diagnosis To Collect Donations

A 46-year-old mother is facing third-degree felony charges for allegedly faking her daughter’s cancer diagnosis to get donation money, according to the Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office. Juanita Garcia posted on Facebook about her daughter’s “diagnosis,” writing, “My princess fighting her cancer I know she will prayers for my baby,” along with a photo of the 7-year-old wearing a gauze-like cap.
“Sheriff’s investigators working on the case discovered that Garcia was reporting to people in person and via social media, that her daughter had terminal cancer and had months to live,” the Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office wrote on its Facebook page. “Witnesses reported that Garcia would approach them asking for monetary donations to pay for her daughter’s cancer treatments. Through the course of the investigation, investigators discovered that the 7-year-old child had been medically evaluated and no illness had been found.”
Garcia then confessed to police that her daughter had never been diagnosed by cancer, and that she had succeeded in obtaining monetary donations from various people. Garcia was arrested, formally arraigned, given a $10,000 cash surety bond, and committed to the Hidalgo County Adult Detention Center.