Erectile Dysfunction Treatment: 10 Surprising Male Enhancement Alternatives To Viagra That May 'Get It Up'

If you’re a man and have experienced impotence issues, chances are you’ve come across the little blue pill, Viagra. The multi-billion-dollar blockbuster drug is proven to treat erectile dysfunction, but it comes with a load of side effects that can jeopardize your health. Luckily, numerous male enhancement alternatives in circulation have made it possible for men to “get it up,” while others have led men to fall flat.
In the video, “Top 10 Weird Alternatives To Viagra,” Alltime10s explains pre, during, and post Viagra, there have been alternatives that claim to lift up men’s spirits when it comes to sexual performance. Erectile dysfunction has affected men for centuries. Powerful German dictator Adolf Hitler, for example, regularly injected his penis with a cocktail of testosterone made from the semen and prostate glands of young bulls.
The injection was an effective early version of Viagra, which enabled Hitler to have sex with his lover Eva Braun. In 1983, pioneering urologist Giles Skey Brindley proved the penis injection to be effective after injecting himself with the chemical papaverine, giving him an erection that could last up to 30 hours. Brindley delivered a lecture to show how papaverine allowed blood to flow freely to his penis, and even dropped his pants down to prove his point.
While some turn to injections, others turn to animals to treat their sexual health issues. “Seal penis,” specifically penis of a cape seal, is believed to contain properties that enhance sexual performance, according to some Asian practitioners. The penis is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which helps with blood circulation. Although this could be beneficial for erections, there is no scientific proof it’s effective.
Now, a more outrageous and painful method for male enhancement is “penis stings” from wasps. In the Kama Sutra, men are encouraged to use wasps to engorge the penis. Men are instructed to mix the wasp stingers with oil and rub the mixture onto the penis for 10 nights. They must then sleep face down on a wooden bed with their penis hanging through a hole, but does it work?
Zoologist Jules Howard claimed to have a “satisfyingly large” penis after receiving wasp stings to the genitals. This was after he accidentally urinated on a wasp nest.
Click on the video above to learn about the other weird alternatives to Viagra that work and don’t work.
You should talk to your doctor if you’re experiencing erectile dysfunction before you try any of these methods.