The Key To A Long Life? Miller High Life, The Champagne of Beers, According To One 110-Year-Old Woman

The story of the Fountain of Youth has been told for centuries, and people have searched tirelessly for its life-giving properties. Unfortunately, however, the Fountain of Youth isn’t real. But, since we all want to live forever, what's the real key to living a long life? Is it eating healthy, avoiding drugs and tobacco, and exercising regularly? Is it in your genes and family history? Those things certainly have something to do with it. But maybe it’s drinking a few brews every day for 70 years.
Agnes Fenton has been enjoying at least three bottles of Miller High Life each day for the past 70 years. She said she started the ritual after her doctor told her that her only health problem was a benign tumor. Though her caregivers have made her cut back on the High Life — she also used to have a glass of whiskey a day — she doesn’t believe that her drinking has been the key to her long life.
When asked about how she figured out the key to living for a long time, she told ABC 7 News, “Ain't no secret, just keep in touch with God and do the right thing, that's all I know."
Rough estimates suggest Fenton and other supercentenarians make up one in 10 of the seven billion people on this planet. That’s pretty good for a woman whose main drink of choice is the “Champagne of Beers.”
HAPPY 110TH BIRTHDAY, AGNES! You won’t believe Agnes Fenton’s secret to long life…
— ABC 7 Chicago (@ABC7Chicago) August 4, 2015