Nurses Condemn 'The View' For Speaking 'So Ignorantly' Of Miss America Contestant
On Tuesday’s episode of The View, hosts Michelle Collins, Joy Behar, Raven-Symone, and Paula Faris managed to alienate an entire group of people after commenting on this year's talent portion of the Miss America competition. While the hosts were judging each contestant, they focused in on Miss Colorado, or Kelly Johnson, who came on stage dressed in scrubs and her stethoscope; Johnson said her true talent was nursing.
Collins said that Johnson’s monologue was “hilarious,” adding she was “basically reading her emails out loud.” Behar, on the other hand, was confused by the fact Johnson wore a doctor's stethoscope around her neck. As you could have guessed, these comments did not go over well with the audience, especially for those who are nurses like Johnson.
Outraged by the comments, nurses took to the Internet to post pictures of themselves on a Facebook page, called “Show Me Your Stethoscope,” and used the hashtag #NursesUnite. These posts caused companies, like Johnson & Johnson and Eggland’s Best Inc., to pull advertisments it had with the show. The View hosts have since issued an apology, but as E! Online reported, the nurses have not been so quick to forgive.
Sarah, from Baltimore, told E! that hearing "the hosts of The View speak so ignorantly about a nurse just reminds me again how little people truly know about nurses." She explained that nurses deal with sickness, pain, and death on a daily basis; they work long hours, forgo lunch and bathroom breaks to ensure quality patient care; and they spend more time with their co-workers than their own families.
"This is the life of a nurse — my life," she said. "The life of so many wonderful, caring, amazing people. "
Alexandra, from Mississippi, agrees with Sarah. Also speaking with E!, Alexandra said she loved her job and "could not tell you how happy it makes me to help bring people back to life, help them cope with an illness or even to be a hand to hold when there is nobody there."
Alexandra continued: "For women who make more money in one hour sitting and blabbing about nonsense than I make in a month, I am absolutely horrified at the lack of respect they have for the working class...I will not watch that show. It is not worth my time...I will continue to do my job that I love because I love it!"
From a scientific perspective, researchers have proven nurses are a vital part of the healthcare system. A recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Pennsylvania found that happy nurses were the key to a successful hospital. And when nurses report edsatisfaction and fulfillment from their jobs, mortality rates within a hospital fell as much as 20 percent.
So maybe the next time you want to poke fun at the careers of a hardworking, life-changing group of people, don't.
Source: McHugh M, Aiken L, Burns L, et al. Achieving Kaiser Permanente quality. Healthcare Manage Rev. 2015.