Pregnant Schoolgirl Mannequins In Venezuela Shock Pedestrians To Make Up For Failing Sex-Ed Programs

Teen pregnancy may be falling in the U.S., but in other parts of the world, where sexual education isn’t as prominent, it remains a public health concern. Venezuela is no stranger to the problem. Now, two charities are simulating the issue in places where some people aren’t prepared to deal with it: storefront windows.
Pregnant mannequins are the brainchild of Fundana and Construyendo Futuros, two charities hoping to raise awareness among parents and adolescents. Instead of trim, picturesque models to show off a store’s clothes, the mannequins appear full-bellied in their backpacks and school uniforms. While shocking, the truth is teen pregnancy is all-too-common in the country — at a rate of 83 per 1,000 women ages 15 to 19.
“It's amazing seeing people react as they walk by. This is such a taboo subject in Venezuela, we want people to talk about it,” Construyendo Futuros president Thalma Cohen told Reuters. “Some people get angry and complain. Others congratulate us.”

The display will run for a month in Caracas and may expand to other malls in the country. Admittedly, other countries in the region may benefit from the campaign, as most Latin American countries rank in the top-50 list of countries with the highest teen fertility rates in the world. Eight of them, including Venezuela, rank in the top 40. Only sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia tend to have higher rates.
While some passersby felt disgusted by the installment, others seemed to pick up on the shock value of such a stunt. “Yes, it's disturbing to see in a window,” said Auriselvia Torrealba, 20. “But it's the truth. You see pregnant girls all the time on the streets. So this forces you to think about the problem, doesn't it?”