Watch Shelby Mitchusson Perform A Fantastic Version Of Eminem's 'Lose Yourself' In Sign Language [VIDEO]

Not only does Shelby Mitchusson know sign language to a tee, but she also has good dance moves. The YouTuber has become known for her rendition of Eminem’s “Lose Yourself,” performed completely in American Sign Language (ASL).
The video was uploaded in September 2014, but lately it’s gained more traction via sites like Reddit, where users are amazed by her quick hands, dance moves, and emotional expressions.
For deaf people, sign language is a basic human right. It can completely change the way a deaf person sees the world and interacts with other humans, as shown in this moving documentary about deaf people in Uganda. Mitchusson’s video is a beautiful, creative way to bring musical lyrics to deaf people.
“I have a deep love for interpreting music and would love to share more as I am always interpreting music,” Mitchusson writes on YouTube. “As always your feedback is wanted (Deaf people/ASL users/ASL Interpreters)!”
According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), over 90 percent of deaf children are born to hearing parents. There are some 28 million Americans who are considered deaf or hearing impaired. For children who are deaf or hearing impaired, sign language is a life-saver; and it’s important for people with normal hearing to learn some basic sign language in order to spread communication.
“For these children to truly benefit, we encourage people to become fluent and skilled users, teachers, and interpreters of ASL,” the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) writes on its website. “Moreover, we welcome everyone to experience learning and using ASL. We believe that ASL is beneficial to all people, of all ages.”