Rollercoaster Riders In Japan Theme Park Told Not To Scream Due To COVID-19
Per a new report, a Japanese theme park is making sure you stay safe from the coronavirus by asking you to be serious and not scream while riding the rollercoaster.
Japan Theme Park Asks Rollercoaster Riders Not To Scream And Be Serious
Riding a rollercoaster and staying calm and collected all throughout might feel counterproductive since part of the fun is putting your hands up high and screaming as loud as you can as you go zooming up and down through loops at incredible speeds. However, a theme park in Japan by the name of Fuji-Q Highland is asking you to do just that – and more.
Reopening just last month after its previous virus shutdown, the theme park near Tokyo recently asked its riders to avoid screaming whenever they ride on its rollercoasters, asking them to "scream inside your heart" instead. Neat. Of course, people like incentives. So to encourage them to play along, they are asking the riders to put on their most "serious face" for the photo that will be taken while they’re riding.
They can then share their photos online in order to join the #KeepASeriousFace challenge, with the best ones to be rewarded with free day passes. Since then, attempts have been made and posted on the internet, with some Twitter threads that highlight the challenge even being made.
The theme park will be running this new challenge until the 17th of July. So if you’re in Japan and can easily keep a straight face even under circumstances where it doesn’t make sense, you might just bag yourself a free day pass.
But the no screaming rule isn’t just for show because, along with the mandatory wearing of face masks, it’s meant to help stop the potential coronavirus-carrying droplets that can come flying out of your mouth and into other people.
Of course, it’ll be impossible to fully enforce the rule, although the park stated that "violators" won’t be punished in any way. Still, it’s all part of the measures that theme parks are taking to give customers confidence that their safety is being taken seriously.