A Texas woman retained no memory of giving birth to triplets, including the 48 to 72 hours leading up to the delivery, after being clinically dead for about 45 minutes post-birth.
Although experts have conflicting views on this surprising finding, the researchers hope their study will help doctors and patients make informed choices when making treatment decisions.
The 48-year-old from California was diagnosed with Anti-NMDA Encephalitis, also known as "Brain on Fire" disease, an auto-immune condition where the body attacks the brain.
With over two decades under her belt, Wellness Coach Karen Corona is not just a practitioner but a testament to the transformative power of expressive arts.
Researchers have developed smart earrings that could continuously monitor a person's earlobe temperature. The innovation known as Thermal Earring could also be potentially used to track signs of ovulation, stress, eating, and exercise.
It’s reported that up to 70% of the population have sensitive skin. More alarming, allergies and skin sensitivities are known to affect millions of patients taking prescriptions every year.
“You can’t hurry love, you just have to wait.” So trilled The Supremes (and Phil Collins) and, according to the experts, they were right.
“Dating can be hard and anxiety-provoking and there’s a market there for a short cut,” said Samantha Joel, the lead author of a University of Utah study that looked at what factors affect attraction. “What if you didn’t have to kiss all the frogs? What if you could skip to the part where you click with someone? But our data suggests that, at least with the tools we currently have available, there isn’t an easy fix for finding love.”
That’s still no excuse, fellas, for lazing on the couch waiting for Miss Right to magically appear. There are things you can do right now to make yourself more attractive to prospective partners. We’re not just talking working out and eating right (although those are two very good things to do to look more attractive). We mean the types of pictures you should post to your dating profile (no selfies, include flowers though), the type of deodorant you should be using (scented) and the things you should be seen carrying (a guitar case, seriously).
So, guys, slide through for 50 scientifically tested tips to help you up your sex appeal and improve your dating game.
Don’t Hide Your ScarsA University of Liverpool and the University of Stirling study found that women, after looking at various pictures, rated men with visible scars more attractive than men without. Smile SlowlyA study from the Journal of Nonverbal Behavior found that women are more attracted to men who smile slowly as opposed to men who are quick to grin. SLEEPThat’s right, you need to get enough sleep to look your best a.k.a. sexiest. Doctors recommend six to eight hours a night. Stop Playing Hard to GetNot only is it annoying, it’s also a turnoff. A German study found that women find men who are direct and honest more attractive than men who are evasive and distant. Compliment Your DateThis one should seem obvious, but still, a University of Electronic Science and Technology of China study proved it. The 2016 study found that men who used metaphors to compliment their female dates were rated as more attractive than others who did not. Smell GoodA study by the International Journal of Cosmetic Science found that women found men who wore scented deodorant more attractive than men who don’t. Smelling Good Will Make You ConfidentThe same study found that men who wore scented deodorant were more confident than men who didn’t. Women Can Tell If You Smell Good, Even If They Can’t Smell YouThe same International Journal of Cosmetic Science study found that women who watched videos of the men in the study rated the men wearing scented deodorant as more confident and attractive. If You’re On the Shorter Side, Get BuffSince people who look buff appear larger, and studies show women prefer larger men, packing on some muscle will help in that department. Be SmoothA Turkish study found that women are more attracted to men with less body hair. Google “man-scaping” immediately. Stop Stressing Yourself OutA study from Abertay University in Scotland found that women found men more attractive who came off as relaxed. “Women seem to be able to detect the men who’ve got the strongest immune response, and they seem to find them the most attractive,” Fhionna R. Moore, PhD, a psychologist at Abertay University in Scotland and one of the studies authors, told CNN. Eat More GarlicStudies from the Charles University and the National Institute of Mental Health in the Czech Republic and the University of Stirling in the United Kingdom found that women respond more positively to men who eat garlic. VolunteerA U.K. study found that women are more attracted to men who list “volunteering” as one of their hobbies. Take Some Safe RisksA University of Alaska at Anchorage study found that women were more attracted to men who engaged in safe, or “hunter-gatherer risks.” These included scuba-diving, rollerblading and mountain biking. So go ahead and bike, just wear a helmet. Surround Yourself With Positive FriendsHaving a good foundation of positivity around leads to a higher self-confidence. Research shows people with self-confidence are more attractive to future mates. Don’t Be CornyWe all know the cheesy pickup lines like, “I’m lost. Can I have directions to your heart?” Yeah, don’t say things like that. A SUNY-New Paltz study found that women are more likely to respond to direct, polite lines, like, “I saw you across the room and would like to meet you. What’s your name?” Might feel weird, but be direct (in a polite way). Show Your Body LanguageStudies from the University of California, Berkeley, Stanford University, the University of Texas at Austin, and Northwestern University found that women are more attracted to photographs on dating profiles of men in expansive positions—like with their arms reached out, in a V position, or jumping. So go ahead and jump. Show a Little PrideA University of British Columbia survey of 900 adults found that, when asked to rate photos with pride, happiness, shame and neutrality, women responded more to photos that shows men with pride. But Also Show Some ShameThe same study found that both men and women also responded to photos of people with shame. Avoid the SelfieThe dating website Zoosk found that guys who post selfies receive eight percent fewer responses. Give Yourself a Pep TalkA University of Illinois study found that people who give themselves a pep talk have more confidence than other who don’t. So go ahead, talk to yourself, it’ll do you good. Fake ItIf you struggle with confidence, than fake it, the same study found. It’s the act of conveying confidence that’s most attractive. Get Some FlowersGetting flowers for your date is cool, but also get some in the photos you post to your dating profile. A study in the journal Social Influence found that women responded more to men’s photos that had flowers in the background. Have a WingmanA University of California at San Diego study found that women responded more positively to pictures of men with their friends. Gather up your buddies, you need some love. Brush Your TeethMultiple studies show that people with good breath are found more attractive than others who don’t. Have a Deep VoiceA British study played various male voices to heterosexual women, and men with deep voices were rated higher. So go low. Look For Someone As Attractive As You AreListen, you’re sexy and you know it, and you deserve the same in a partner. Doing this helps you avoid two things, says Nottingham Trent University psychologist Mark Sergeant. “If they are much better-looking than you, you are worried about them going off and having affairs. If they are much less attractive, you are worried that you could do better."A Picture Says A Thousand ThingsIf you’re a straight man and you’re online dating, make sure your profile picture is you in front of a fancy car. A University of Wales Institute study found men pictured with a Bentley got more responses from women than men with a Ford Fiesta. Just be prepared for her to ask, “So where’s the Bentley,” on the first date. Use These Words In Your Dating ProfileThe dating site Zoosk found that dating profiles with the words “creative,” “ambitious,” or “laugh” got 33 percent more messages. Be a ReaderThe same study found that using words like “book” and “read” also received more responses than other profiles. Act Like a Fitness NutThe Zoosk dating site study also found that words like “jogging,” “running” and “lifting weights” received more responses. Just make sure you look like you actually enjoy jogging, running or weights. Be TallA 2008 college study found that only four percent of women would be in a relationship with a man shorter than them. So if you’re small, maybe invest in platforms? Carry a Guitar CaseTrue story. A study from the journal Psychology of Music found that women are three times more likely to respond to a man’s invitation if the man was holding a guitar case as opposed to another item, like a briefcase of a sports bag. No word if an actual guitar is required, or just the case.Be George ClooneyWe’re not talking about Face/Off identity swapping here, but the more put together you look, tailored, like George Clooney, the more women who are financially secure will be attracted to you, a University of Abertay Dundee study found. Get Some StubbleA University of New South Wales study found that women are more attracted to men with light stubble. So those days you forget to shave could be the days you’re at your sexiest. Get Buff If You Want a Short-Term RelationshipA University of California, Los Angeles study found that women, after rating 286 pictures of shirtless men, were more interested in men with big muscles for short-term relationships. Get Tone If You Want a Long-Term RelationshipThe same University of California, Los Angeles study found that women were more interested in a long-term relationship with men who were toned but not buff. If You Want Her Heart, Touch Her HereA French study found that a woman is more likely to accept the invitation of a man, say to dance, if he gently touches her arm while he asks. Look For Signs of FlirtationWomen in particular display a similar sequence of ways to flirt. "First the woman smiles at her admirer and lifts her eyebrows in a swift, jerky motion as she opens her eyes wide to gaze at him. Then she drops her eyelids, tilts her head down and to the side, and looks away. Frequently she also covers her face with her hands, giggling nervously as she retreats behind her palms,” says Rutgers University anthropologist Helen E. Fisher, based on her research. Be NiceSometimes the nice guy does win. A 2014 Chinese study showed people photos of faces with one positive trait and one negative trait listed. The People with honesty and kindness were rated higher. But Not Too NiceA separate study found that women are turned off to men who seem overly friendly at first. “Women may perceive a responsive man as vulnerable and less dominant,” Gurit Birnbaum told Medical Daily via email.Online Profiles Should Show Your ManspreadManspreading isn’t cool on the subway or a bus, but on a dating profile it could make you more desirable, researchers in the U.K. found. Wear Red, Trust UsEven if you hate the color red, if you’re looking for love, it’s the color of choice. A 2010 study, with participants in China, England, Germany and the U.S., found that, when shown pictures of men in both a red and a green shirts, men in red shirts were found more attractive. Be FunnyThis shouldn’t come as a surprise, but multiple studies find that women look for humor in their partners. So go buy a joke book immediately. Get a DogA study from the Ruppin Academic Center in Israel and the University of Michigan found that men with dogs come off as more approachable, happy and relaxed. Walk a DogThe same study found that men who walk dogs are seen as better long-term partners than men without dogs. Want Her Number? Be Friends With BabiesYep, that’s right, when you see a newborn, if you recognize the baby in a positive way, women are more likely to give you their number, a French study found. Baby Loving Men Are More Attractive to WomenThe same study also found that men who are good with babies are more attractive to women for long-term relationships. Have Good Taste In MusicA University of Sussex study found that when women were presented with simple and complex music, they rated the complex music as more attractive. Embrace MindfulnessAn Australian study had people (men and women) fill out a survey with various questions related to mindfulness. The women preferred men who were more mindful.