Seven easy ways to tackle shin splints
Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome is an injury-related disease that is common among athletes and sportsmen. Commonly referred to as shin splints tibial stress causes excruciating pain in the lower legs of the athletes.
Pain in the lower leg can actually be caused by several types of injuries. Intense and potentially serious lower leg pain can be caused by of a tibial stress fracture.
When athletes face this problem, they typically experience pain directly on the shaft of the tibial bone. The pain can sharpen at night and result in a throbbing feeling during evenings when the person has slowed down.
Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome requires medical attention to rule out deeper bone or muscle injuries.
Below are a few important things you can do to avoid further aggravation of pain once diagnosed with tibial stress:
1. Take plenty of rest. Doctors recommend that putting the leg up and relaxing in the best solution to heal a painful tibial injury. Remember that the more you move around, the longer it takes for the wound to heal. Try anti-inflammatory treatments, such as cold-packs and topical anti-inflammatory gels.
2. Avoid running and other strenuous activities that cause you to flex the Tibialis anterior muscles. The Tibialis anterior is a muscle that originates in the upper two-thirds of the lateral surface of the tibia and inserts into the medial cuneiform and first metatarsal bone.
3. You can try over-the-counter pills if necessary to relieve the pain. However, do not overdo the pain killer bit.
4. Wrap the lower in an elastic bandage to stabilize but make sure that the wrap around is not too tight as to restrict free flow of blood.
5. Gently massaging the muscle near the affected area could help further improve blood circulation and relieve pain. Be careful to avoid the tibia.
6. Try out low impact activities and exercises once the pain subsides. Activities such as swimming, bike riding and exercises like yoga and Tai Chi can help develop muscle balance. Morning stretching before running is important as is the stretching after running.
7. Wear shoes that fit you perfectly. They should be tight enough but not beyond the point where it affects blood flow. Do not wear shoes made of hard leather.