Students Create ‘Cure’ For Hangovers; Supplement Said To ‘Prime Your Body For Alcohol Consumption’

Two Yale students created an anti-hangover supplement called “SunUp.” Seniors Liam McClintock and Margaret Morse teamed up with professors, nutritionists, and a pharmaceutical manufacturer to develop their science-backed product, they say.
Read: Sweat Out A Hangover: Exercise Helps To Offset Some Of The Adverse Effects Of Alcohol

The powdered formula, which contains both natural and synthesized ingredients, is said to “prime your body for alcohol consumption,” according to their crowdfunding page. It’s intended to be stirred into water and consumed before having any booze.
The patent-pending supplement contains 15 ingredients, including sodium, vitamin C, vitamin B12, zinc, and potassium. Each ingredient has been individually studied and has been shown to increase the rate of alcohol clearance and protect against alcohol toxicity, Morse explains in a video on their Indiegogo page. However, the ingredients have never been combined into one supplement.
To create their formula, the students did research on the causes of a hangover, and then they found specific nutrients to combat those causes. Their findings led them to develop a supplement that addresses the four root causes of a hangover, which can be seen in the infographic above.
With over a week left in their crowdfunding campaign, the team has already surpassed their $20,000 goal by over $8,000. The money raised will go towards product packaging, flavoring, blending the formula, and certifying its safety. Individual packets of the supplement will cost $5.
“At this stage we’re targeting young professionals and college students,” said McClintock, according to Yale Daily News.“There will be different customers interested [in SunUp] for different reasons. Our initial position is that we want to target college students and young professionals who want to be social but also productive.”
Excessive drinking cost the United States $249 billion in 2010. A majority of those costs are attributed to losses in workplace productivity, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
See also: What Causes A Hangover? Everything You Need To Know The Morning After Drinking Alcohol