The Ten Worst College Dining Halls

College is described as the "best four years of your life." It can be the most exciting, albeit anxious, journey in a young adult's life, but let's face it campus food can make this journey an unpleasant one. However with The Princeton Review's 2013 college rankings, you can make an informed decision about your future dining hall.
The Princeton Review narrows down their selection by surveys based on students' answers on a five-point scale. Under quality of life, institutions were rated based off the best and worst campus foods. Fordham University in the heart of Bronx, NY, got slammed for being the worst dining hall in the country. Want to know where your school or prospect school ranks? Check it out:
The Top Ten Worse Campus Dining Halls Are:
1. Fordham University (Bronx, NY)
2. New College of Florida (Sarasota, FL)
3. Wells College (Aurora, NY)
4. Hampden-Sydney College (Hampden-Sydney, VA)
5. Ohio Northern University (Ada, OH)
6. St. John College (Santa Fe, NM)
7. United States Merchant Marine Academy (Kings Point, NY)
8. Catawba College (Salisbury, NC)
9. Drew University (Madison, NJ)
10. Hampton University (Hampton, VA)
If you're taste buds are the main concern and not the "Freshmen 15" then the following schools will be more suitable for you and your taste buds:
Top Ten Best Campus Food goes to:
1. Bowdoin College (Brunswick, ME)
2. Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, VA)
3. University of Massachusetts-Amherst (Massachusetts)
4. James Madison University (Harrisonburg, VA)
5. Washington University (St. Louis, MO)
6. Wheaton College (Wheaton, IL)
7. College of the Atlantic (Bar Harbor, ME)
8. Cornell University (Ithaca, NY)
9. Bryn Mawr College (Bryn Mawr, PA)
10. St. Anselm College (Manchester, NH
While many of the schools slammed for having terrible food cost more than $40,000 a year, let's hope they are spending the additional cash on your child's education.
Visit The Princeton Review for a full list of its 2013 college ranking.