The Three Girls With Cancer, Who Captured Hearts With A Photo, Are Now In Remission

Remember the beautiful photo of the three little princesses with cancer that taken four months ago? Now all three of the girls are in remission. The good news was posted on Facebook. "For those of you just joining us on Rheann's page, I can say that Rylie, Ainsley, and Rheann are now in remission!!!" a post on Rheann's Facebook page said. "Rheann was just declared in remission very recently, and as of her last MRI (on July 2nd) she is STILL clear!”.
At just 3 years old, the youngest of the girls Rylie Hughey beat stage five kidney cancer, while 4-year-old Ainsley Peters is in remission from Leukemia. Rheann Franklin, the oldest of the group, but still only 6 years old, is in remission from brain cancer. The news comes after Rheann’s parents were told their pretty little girl would probably not make it. The young warrior went through five brain surgeries, chemotherapy, and proton radiation. When the photos were taken, she was still fighting cancer and was the last girl to be in remission. She had a rare form of brain cancer called mucoid spindle sarcoma. "The doctors didn’t think she would make it through last summer," her mother, Valerie Franklin, told Yahoo. "But she sure proved them wrong."
These three girls have inspired many with their courage. Their precious photos, taken by Oklahoma-based photographer Lora Scantling have spread like wildfire, and have been reposted following the release of the good news. In the photos, the girls look like sisters or best friends, but the bond they share is from having cancer, they did not know each other prior. In the photo of the girls hugging each other, their expressions are so genuine and they are all dolled up in elegant outfits and pearls. The moving quote that accompanies the photo, “Sometimes strength comes in knowing that you are not alone,” touched many hearts — this was Scantling's intention. She said that these photos were not about her fame, but about raising awareness of cancer in children, and helping to make a difference. Not only did these three girls become friends but so did their mothers, and now they all have their own unique bond.
Rheann was only 4 years old when she was first diagnosed. Her mother wanted to update people on her daughter’s progress, so she set up a Facebook page and called it Fight Like A Princess. Just this past week, over 16,000 people liked the page. Rylie’s Facebook page, Team Rylie, has also received a lot of attention, with over 11,000 likes. Supporters of the young children have even tried getting the girls on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, with one post saying: “As friends of Rylie, let's band together and help get her, Ainsley, and Rheann on The Ellen DeGeneres Show! The girls and their families have been through so much, and their story is inspiring millions!” You can follow each of them on their Facebook pages to see how they're progressing without their cancers. Ainsley’s Facebook page is Ainsley Jane’s Allies.