Tips For First Date: 2 Seduction Techniques To Attract Your Date, Without Taking Your Clothes Off

First dates can be filled nerves, self doubt, and awkward moments. Going out with a potential love match can add the pressure to impress, but it doesn't have to be daunting. The adrenaline of a first date allows you to meet someone new, and seduce them into liking you as much as you like them.
But how do you do it? How do you get a second date?
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In the video, "How to Seduce Someone on a Date", The School of Life explains seducing another person is strange and tricky. In this context, seduction refers to getting a love interest to like you enough to be in a relationship. In order to to master the art of seduction effectively, you need to do two things: show you have a good relationship with yourself, and convey to your date you see them with a mixture of tenderness and realism.
Someone who has a good relationship with themselves will recognize their own failings in a way that shows their weakness is handled strongly. For example, it's considered "hugely seductive" if you say with an air of confidence and wit: "You know, coming here made me a bit nervous." This shows both insight and strength; you have an overview of your anxieties, but you show the ability to handle them lightly.
Now, the second tip of seduction is showing your date you like them a lot, but that you can also see their frailty quite clearly. It's deeply worrying to be obviously adored, because deep down, most people realize they don't deserve this intense acclaim, according to The School of Life. Rather, it's best to drop in a small warm tease that acknowledges your understanding of their less than perfect side of them.
For example, with a benign smile, you might ask: "I suppose you stayed under the duvet feeling a bit sorry for yourself after that?"
These two techniques make you powerfully seductive. The ability to convey self-knowledge and perceptive generosity is what makes life with another person bearable. This better equips you to handle the the potentially awkward moments of a first date, and turn them around, to improve your odds of a second date.
These first date tips should not be used as a script, but rather as a reminder to act natural. A 2006 study found participants who watched and rated different first-date scenarios conversation-starters "involving jokes, empty compliments and sexual references" were poorly received. In other words, trying to force a joke won't impress your date.
Remember, it only takes a tenth of a second to form a first impression. Make every second count toward your second date. You could potentially be in front of your perfect match.
See Also:
First Date Tips For Those Suffering From Social Anxiety
How The Science Of Body Language Can Help You In Awkward Moments