Toddler Expected to Make Miracle Recovery After Pencil Lodges in Her Brain
A 20-month-old toddler Olivia is expected to make a full recovery after a freak fall lodged a pencil into her skull. Her recovery is viewed as a miracle by her doctors.
Her mother Susie Smith told the New Hampshire ABC affiliate that her daughter was coloring with a new set of colored pencils. Suddenly, she fell off her chair. When she got up, Ms. Smith's 3-year-old daughter informed her that she had a pencil in her eye. At first, Ms. Smith did not believe her. However, when she picked up her daughter, she saw the orange colored pencil lodged into the toddler's eye at a 45-degree angle, lodged in diagonally toward her ear. The reason that she did not see it at first was because the majority of it - 4 inches - was inside the baby's skull, according to ABC News.
Olivia was transported to the Children's Hospital in Boston, where doctors performed the delicate procedure necessary to remove the pencil. Fortunately, they found that the pencil had impaled Olivia in such a way that it had narrowly missed her optic nerve, meaning that her sight was still perfectly intact. However, Olivia was not out of the woods yet. During the surgery, she suffered from three strokes.
After the surgery, due to the strokes, Olivia's entire right side was motionless. The Daily Mail reports that, for two days, she was motionless - eyes open, but not responding to anything. Then she started to smile on one side and said, "Daddy" - a huge improvement. In the hospital, her persistent mother kept trying to move the right side of her body by placing things into her hand. Eventually, when trying to make Olivia drink from a sippy cup, she moved her arm and started drinking.
The family is extremely grateful to the medical workers who helped their daughter survive. They created an account for donations to help with the family's mounting medical bills. They say that any donations can be sent to:
The Olivia Cecilia Benefit Fund
PO Box 351
Goffstown, NH 03045