US Doc Finds Anatomical Evidence for the Elusive "G-Spot"

A gynecology professor says that he has found anatomical evidence for the “G-spot,” or Gräfenberg Spot, the elusive erogenous zone that is said to bring on powerful vaginal orgasms and in some cases female ejaculation when stimulated in some women.
In the latest study, published on Wednesday in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, Dr. Adam Ostrzenski conducted a seven-hour postmortem dissection of an 83-year-old female cadaver and found a “well-delineated” sac-like structure that could stretch from 8.1 to 33 millimeters.
After examining the six different layers of tissue that make up a woman's vaginal wall, researchers found in between the fifth layer (endopelvic fascia) and the sixth layer (dorsal perineal membrane) a less than one centimeter wide sac enclosing bluish grape-like clusters of fibroconnective structures that looked like erectile tissues.
"This study confirmed the anatomic existence of the G-spot, which may lead to a better understanding and improvement of female sexual function," Ostrzenski said.
The editor-in-chief of the journal of which the study was published, Irwin Goldstein, said Ostrzenski’s finding "adds to the growing body of literature regarding women's sexual anatomy and physiology."
The existence of the G-spot, named after the German gynecologist Ernst Gräfenberg who first proposed its presence in the 1950s, is still highly controversial within the scientific community.
Many experts disagree over the G-spot’s existence as a distinct structure, definition and location, and research on the topic has been largely subjective or contradictory.
Critics of the latest study said that Ostrzenski does not offer a definitive conclusion to the G-spot debate because it was based on a single cadaver.
"It's a single case study involving the dissection of the body of one woman whose sexual experiences are unknown to us," sex researcher Debby Herbenick wrote in a Daily Beast commentary on the study.
"Did she enjoy vaginal penetration? Did she find G-spot stimulation to be pleasurable or erotic or more or less likely to lead to orgasm? We don't know," Herbenick wrote.
Herbenick also pointed out that it was impossible to tell how many women have structures like the one described in the 83-year-old cadaver, and it was also unclear if the bluish and grape-like structure documented in the study was even associated with G-spot stimulation, sexual pleasure and orgasm.
An Italian study, also published by The Journal of Sexual Medicine in 2008, researchers concluded that the G-spot does exist but only in some women who have it, after conducting an ultrasound to scan the vaginal area on nine women who reported to experience vaginal orgasms and 11 who reported they did not.