Vaginal Odor Can Be Eliminated Using 'Good Bacteria,' But Is It Really Necessary?

Our bodies contain good and bad bacteria, and scientists have begun to manipulate that bacterial composition to our advantage. For example, the addition of "good bacteria" to certain yogurts may help ease digestive problems. A team of biotech experts have chosen to go a different route with their bacterial manipulation and are working on creating a probiotic that can make a woman’s vagina smell like a peach, but is it really necessary?
Austen Heinz and Gilad Gome are the brains behind Sweet Peach, a startup that aims to create the probiotics that will make the vagina smell like peaches. As reported by Inc. magazine, Sweet Peach will use Cambrian Genomics’ DNA printing technology to create the new supplement. According to Gome, the idea behind Sweet Peach is not to essentially make women smell better but to empower them.
"We think it's a fundamental human right to not only know your code and the code of the things that live on you, but also to rewrite that code and personalize it,” Gome told Inc.
Heinz and Gome have claimed that Sweet Peach probiotic also offers protection against yeast infections and helps women to better connect with their lady parts. The sweet smell simply acts as an indication to the user that it’s working. And if you think it’s strange that two men have dedicated their lives to the vagina, there’s an explanation for that one, too.
"It's a better idea than trying to hack the gut microbiome because it's less complicated and more stable. It only has one interference per month," Gome explained, referring to a woman's menstrual cycle.
They're marketing the supplement as a form of female empowerment, or "personal empowerment," as Heinz referred to it. "All your smells are not human. They're produced by the creatures that live on you."
While the idea of personal empowerment is valid, what the duo failed to touch upon is the negative effects, if any, the perfume-causing probiotic would have on women's natural makeup, which already has several duties.
The vaginal bacterium Lactobacillus gasseri kills pathogens that could lead to vaginal infections without actually causing any harm to the vagina itself, The Huffington Post reported. This is important, because as you may know, traditional antibiotics kill all bacteria, regardless of whether they are good or bad. This approach to fighting infection has contributed to the current surge in antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Medical Daily reported that researchers are actually working on a new type of antibiotic made from this strain of bacteria specifically found in the vagina.
Aside from protecting the vagina from infection, these bacteria also provide a newborn child with his first line of defense against the germ-filled world. During vaginal childbirth, we pick up billions of bacteria from our mothers as we leave her womb. These bacteria assist us with everything from protection from infection to aiding with digestion.
According to Discovery Magazine, it has been observed that children born via C-section have a less diverse array of bacteria and instead may pick up bacteria such as Staphylococcus from the hospital environment. It’s speculated that what bacteria a child picks up during birth might alter his future makeup of microbiome bacterial communities.
Exactly how Sweet Peach could potentially interfere with the natural balance of a vagina is not yet clear, but it's safe to say, regardless of the natural scent each woman possesses, our bacterial makeup is doing its job just fine without smelling like peaches.
As of now, the researchers are still working on building funds for their creation on the crowdfunding platform Tilt.