Vaginal Orgasms And The G-Spot Under Fire, As Research Finds Clitoris Acts Alone In Pleasure

Everything you’ve ever known about the female orgasm is wrong — at least according to the latest research in the string of studies that have debunked the myth of the G-spot, and now, vaginal orgasms.
According to a recent study published in the journal Clinical Anatomy, the key to female pleasure is in the “female penis,” also known as the clitoris, which includes a cluster of erectile tissues that can be effectively stimulated. The researchers have called upon sexologists and sexual medicine experts to reframe the way female anatomy and female sexual pleasure is discussed by treating the vagina and clitoris as two separate structures with no anatomical relationship.
The “G-spot/vaginal/clitoral orgasm, vaginally activated orgasm, and clitorally activated orgasm, are incorrect terms: like “male orgasm,” “female orgasm” is the correct term,” wrote Vincenzo Puppo and Giulia Puppo, co-authors and sexologists at the Italian Centre of Sexology and the University of Florence. Their study suggests the female penis is the key to all female orgasms and that the term “vaginal orgasm” should be eliminated. The “vaginal orgasm” that some women report during sex is actually caused by the surrounding erectile organs, or triggers of female orgasm.
The female erectile organs include the clitoris; the vestibular bulbs, also known as the clitoral bulbs, which are found on either side of the opening of the vagina; and the pars intermedia, a thin band that joins the two clitoris bulbs together, according to Healthline. Other erectile female organs include the labia minora and the corpus spongiosum of the female urethra.
Vincenzo and Giulia also found there is no excuse for sexual experience to not end with an orgasm for women. ”Orgasms with a finger in the vagina are possible in all women,” wrote the researchers, “but the partner must also move the hand in a circle to stimulate all the female erectile organs.” The sexologists went on to discuss that premature ejaculation, or male ejaculation before female orgasm, is not a reason a woman shouldn’t be able to get off. This is tied to the belief that premature ejaculation is the cause of failure of vaginal orgasm in the partner and can bring negative psychological repercussions for the male partner.
Advice for couples in the review include touching your partner even after male ejaculation to help women achieve orgasm. Male ejaculation doesn’t have to be the end-all be-all for women. “Touching and kissing can be continued almost indefinitely, and noncoital sexual acts after male ejaculation can be used to produce orgasm in women,” they wrote.
The emphasis on the clitoris as the root to the female orgasm coincides with a recent study published in the journal Nature Reviews Urology, which found what leads women to climax is not the G-spot, but the clitourethrovaginal (CUV) complex. The female orgasm is triggered by a much more complex area that includes the complete reproductive system, including tissues, muscles, glands, and the uterus, that arouses women. It is the structure and interactions between the clitoris, the urethra, and anterior vaginal wall that have led the team to discover the CUV region.
These studies shed light on the societal pressures felt by men who can’t find the G-spot and the women who rarely orgasm during penetrative sex. They serve as encouragement to continue sexual arousal even after male ejaculation to satisfy the sexual needs of both partners — because sexual stimulation is just as important as intercourse.
Sources: Puppo G, Puppo V. Anatomy of sex: Revision of the new anatomical terms used for the clitoris and the female orgasm by sexologists. Clinical Anatomy. 2014.
Buisson O, Jannini EA, Rubio-Casillas A. Beyond the G-spot: Clitourethrovaginal complex anatomy in female orgasm. Nature Reviews Urology. 2014.