Welcome to Product Reviews
Medical Daily Product Reviews
Welcome to the Medical Daily product review section. We wanted to make these reviews as useful, time-saving and pellucid (we dislike the word transparent) as possible, so we devised a step-by-step methodology, listed below. We also decided against creating listicles and reviewing product brands en masse; that would be akin to standing in the pharmacy aisle or scrolling Amazon for hours and coming away dizzy. No, we opted for giving you the number 1 product in each category, per our clear-cut method.
The Medical Daily Content Creation Process
Regardless of the type of content, be it an article, a product review -- even sponsored content -- objectivity either rules or has a commanding influence over what is posted on the Medical Daily website.
For Medical Daily product reviews, all products must meet certain criteria before they are considered for a review, including having a minimum number of positive reviews on multiple websites. Once the products pass this threshold, then more research and claim verifications occur, including peer-reviewed journal searches.
The reviews have been researched and written by Jan Cortes, and medically reviewed by Yvonne Stolworthy, MSN, RN.
We will be regularly updating this section with new reviews.