Women's Health: Chocolate Reduces Risk of Stroke

Eating chocolate reduces the risk of stroke in women, according to a new Swedish study.
According to the study only women with the highest quartile of chocolate consumption (on average 2.3 ounces per week) had a significantly reduced risk of stroke, suggesting that higher intakes are necessary for a potential protective effect.
However they warned that eating too much of it could be counterproductive.
"Consuming too much chocolate is probably not good, as chocolate is rich in sugar, fat and calories, and may lead to weight gain, which increases the risk of chronic diseases," said lead author Susanna Larsson from Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.
The study was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology and evaluated 33,000 women age 49 to 83 years.
According to the study, for every 1.8 ounces increase in chocolate consumption per week, the overall stroke risk in participating women declined 14 percent.
Previous studies have linked chocolate consumption to lower blood pressure and reduced risk of heart disease.