Zika Fears 2017: Scientists Add 26 More Species, Including 7 In US, To List Of Mosquitoes That May Transmit Virus

There may be more mosquito species that transmit the Zika virus than experts previously thought, according to findings published in the journal eLife.
Ecologists at the University of Georgia and the Cary Institute of Ecosystems Studies identified 26 additional potential species, including seven that are present in the continental United States.
Read: A Brief History Of Zika Virus, From Its Discovery In The Zika Forest To The Global Outbreak Today
Although peak mosquito season isn’t until the summer time, the ecologists note it’s important to study this data now, in order to be well-prepared.
To identify which mosquitoes may possibly transmit the virus, the researchers created a predictive model. The model uses artificial intelligence to find patterns among the potential virus-transmitting mosquitoes. The data used in the model included information about all mosquitoes that have ever been associated with spreading Zika, yellow fever, and dengue.
Additionally, it included traits about mosquito species such as geographic location, proximity to humans, if they typically bite humans (because some mosquitoes don’t), and the number of viruses they’re known to transmit. The virus data included traits like severity of diseases they cause, the number of different mosquitos they infect, and whether or not they have ever infected humans.
The mosquito-virus pairs were analyzed to predict the species that would most likely transmit Zika. The model found a total of 35 species, including 26 new, unsuspected possibilities.
The authors make it a point to note that this is not definitive evidence these mosquito species will transmit the virus.
“I want to stress that all of these are just predictions that need to be validated by empirical work,” lead study author Michelle Evans said in a press release. “We are just suggesting that people who are doing that work should focus on these species first.”
Although the Zika virus is primarily transmitted through mosquitoes, it can also be spread through sexual contact. Some of the symptoms include mild fever, skin rash, muscle and joint pain, and headache, according to the World Health Organization.
See also: Zika Fears Latest 2017: Faster, More Accurate Test For Virus Infection
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