Extraordinary Things You Can Do With Sperm

Sperm is one of the vital components when planning to start a family. Like a women's egg, a man's sperm must be healthy in order to reach and penetrate the egg. Though sperm is mainly used for procreation, it can have extraordinary benefits for everyday life.
In sperm, a crystalline polyamine compound called Spermine can be found. This particular compound is also known as an antioxidant. It is believed to diminish wrinkles, smooth skin and help with taming or preventing acne. Bioforskning, a Norwegian company, has synthesized the compounds into a facial cream. According to Bioforskning, the cream Spermine is 30 times more effective than vitamin E and can delay the aging process by 20 percent. However, nature's most natural facial cream can cost you a whopping $250.
Not only can sperm provide healthy skin, but also it can be used as an anti-depressant. In a recent study, researchers demonstrated that women who were directly exposed to semen were less likely to be depressed. The study stated mood-altering hormones that are present in semen can be absorbed through the vagina. Some of these mood-altering chemicals include, but are not limited to prolactin, a natural anti-depressant; oxytocin, which assist in enhancing one's mood and serotonin, a widely known antidepressant neurotransmitter.
Sperm is also directly linked to the frequency and intensity of a woman's morning sickness. According to SUNY-Albany psychologist Gordon Gallup, the frequency of morning sickness is directly related to the frequency of insemination during pregnancy. Gallup and graduate student Jeremy Atkinson revealed women who undergo artificial insemination may experience worst cases of vomiting, and nausea.
When it comes to cooking, although semen may be the farthest thing from your mind, according to "Natural Harvest-A Collection of Semen-Based Recipes," semen is very nutritious. The cook book advertises semen as an "inexpensive" ingredient that can give any food an "interesting twist."
Lastly, if by any chance you are in dire need of invisible ink, semen may suffice. During World War I, the British Intelligence Service discovered semen can act as invisible ink. Unlike other chemicals used, semen did not react to means of detection such as iodine vapor.
Unless you are a part of an intelligence serve of some kind, invisible ink may not be essential, however if you ever need a facial Spermine may be a great option.